Together with the generation of energy and the technological modernization of the partners, RENOVA puts its efforts into obtaining new viable energy alternatives that can generate development and sustainability in all senses and work areas of our nation.
Worldwide, hydrogen is considered to be the fuel of the future and the ideal energy vector or manager for renewable energies, which can facilitate the implementation of a new energy supply model.
With our mind set on development, we intend to give a solution to the aforementioned lack of synchronization between the supply and demand of renewable energies, by obtaining hydrogen from water through electrolysis. With this element we would be able to store and transport energy, to be used later when necessary, with an efficiency of up to 70%, thus solving the problem of long-term energy storage.
In addition, by obtaining this element, the issue of fuel for automobiles can be solved, because its energy density is greater than that of conventional fossil fuels, and as a result water is obtained as the only product, giving a simple example, in internal combustion engines up to 35% efficiency is obtained while with the use of hydrogen-based fuel cells we reach up to 60%.