In the celebration of the World Energy Efficiency Day, presided over by the Commander of the Revolution and Vice Prime Minister Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, the Minister of Energy and Mines, Vicente De La O Levy and with the participation of executives from other entities and organizations, our company was recognized with the National Energy Efficiency Award 2025, for the relevant results in the implementation of solutions for the efficient use of energy, renewable energy sources and environmental care.
Renova S.R.L. is a private company whose main corporate purpose is to provide services for the installation and assembly of renewable energy systems, which has contributed to the change of the energy matrix in Cuba, both in the state and in the private and residential sectors. In addition, it is an example of efficient energy use, by managing all its consumption through the use of photovoltaic solar energy.
Our goal is to continue to be a standard bearer for the expansion of renewable energies in Cuba.