To build the base for national development, provide our clients with unlimited energy availability, create innovative solutions in the use of renewable energies and an excellent service that preserves the environment, promote sustainable development and guarantee social well-being.
Our location
- FundadorRoberto Medina
- PresidenciaDescription
- Consejerode Operaciones
- Departamentos
- Comercial
- EspecialistaPrincipal
- Especialistaen Inteligencia Comercial
- EspecialistaComercial
- EspecialistaComercial
- EspecialistaComercial
- Operaciones
- Jefede Brigada Técnica
- TécnicoMontador
- TécnicoMontador
- Jefede Brigada Técnica
- TécnicoMontador
- Técnicode Proyectos
- Gestorde Proyectos
- MontadorDescription
- Gestióny Administración
- EspecialistaEconómica
- Especialistade Calidad
- Informático.
- EspecialistaInformático
- Administración Interna
- EspecialistaLogístico/Comunicación
- Encargadode Almacén
- Ayudantede Almacén
- Custodio
- Custodio
- Custodio
- Custodio
- AsistenteGeneral
- AsistenteGeneral
- AsistenteGeneral
- AuxiliarGeneral
- Operario Generalde Mantenimiento
- ConsejeraLegal


To be the leading company in the renewable energy sector in Cuba, with an international projection and open to foreign investment, with a view to continuous improvement based on the use of science, technology and innovation, production, generation of wealth, sustainable development and in harmony with the environment, characterized by highly qualified human potential and focused on corporate social responsibility.

Our values
To convey confidence in the market and in customers, be clear at all times, with special attention to legal and financial instances.
Working day by day to improve the quality of our services, in order to build the project we want, we all must exceed all expectations and efforts even when we have reached the limit of these.
To promote the learning and development of new skills, promote dreams, believe in them, pursue ideas that allow the creation of innovative solutions to the needs of the company or its environment.
To persevere in achieving our goals, evaluate, work, review, supervise and grow, persist in the face of any internal or external circumstance.

Quality policy
- Satisfy the expectations of our clients, external and internal, trying to achieve their loyalty, always having respect as a premise.
- Maintain a high qualification in its personnel according to the most current national and international requirements.
- Seek continuous improvement and the improvement of our environmental behavior, achieving, ensuring and maintaining the trust of the client through compliance in the provision of our services.
- Create a favorable climate for the prevention of pollution and protection of the environment within the company, training, motivating and sensitizing the personnel in relation to quality, the environment and teamwork, which allows the achievement of the defined quality and environmental objectives.
This policy is communicated, understood by the staff, and disseminated through the organization’s website, for all interested parties.

We are a team committed to the environment
We are aware that our activities, no matter how small they can be, have a direct or indirect impact on the environment. We work hard to bring a culture of saving and ecological well-being to everyone, starting with our own actions, always based on sustainable development.