RENOVA, through its highly committed economic activity with ethic and good reputation, encourages to have a deep insight of the development of renewable sources of energy, and to make production more accessible and its use lasting by Cuban family and factories, private and state service centers in general. In response to national call, we encourage to make people be aware of the need of saving and of putting into practice the green energy as a conventional method of electrical energy all over the national territory, and in this way we can help decrease the electroenergetic system and improve in an important manner people’s lives.
In RENOVA we control systems jointly in the pursuit of a superior way of control and supervising based on collective trust and equally share of the company resources.
Financial transparency
Financial transparency and accounting control

Mechanisms to guarantee countable control
In the company bylaw, the necessary mechanism to guarantee countable control by validated external agents and audits to do this job are established and put into effect. At the same time, we are in possession of mandatory certification of the countable status of the enterprise.
THE ONLY PARTNER will ask external agent to have an audit and inside control of the enterprise done annually, beginning from the end of the fiscal year.
THE ONLY PARTNER will ask external consultants, whenever necessary and decided by himself,for international certification of the countable and finance status.

Investors and partners
Care of the partners and investors is way too important to keep harmony and market progress. Based on these social values and commitment RENOVA is planning on incorporating new national and international partners and investors to the team by the coming years. It is important to point out that the enterprise is ready to establish collaboration bonds, negotiation and national and international agreement with those people, institutions and companies willing to invest in the sector of renewable and technological energies.

Possible lines of investment
- Lines of services linked to marketing, assembling, installing and technology production in general, paying special attention to renewable energies, computers, communication, wired and wireless networks as well as electrical transportation of various sizes and dimensions, components and attached ones, peripherals, LED illumination and the like.
- Our company is totally ready to receive investments and financing to establish large solar farms, to develop local development projects with social benefits together with international programs , as well as to participate and manage the building of large factories and their start-up with high leveled technological productions
- Whenever possible, the enterprise will endow the web page as an example by using the means and channels at hand created by with all information, partners registrations, nomination, projects in which the team is actively participating as well as the financing acquired by the enterprise.

Article number 34 of the Bylaws is literally quoted
Article 52
RENOVA S.U.R.L is an enterprise committed to social and environmental well-being. For this reason, a percent of yearly utilities will be used to support and manage development projects related or not to renewable energy generation; this should be understood by:
A. To provide support on renewable energy at educational centers such as day-care centers, schools and home for children without parental protection, senior homes, Elderly centers among others.
B. To contribute with technological and financial resources to improve sustainable food production by private farmers which will be intended for national consumption and exportation.
C. To participate in the recovery and treatment of affected ecosystems by urban and factories pollution. In the same way, assistance will be provided to those institutions dedicated to the protection and well-being of animals.
D. To collaborate with state, national and international funding and investment of any other kind which are related to environmental development and recovery of damaged areas by climate change impact.
E. To collaborate with any other kind of positive environmental or social impact in which the enterprise could or decides to contribute.

Endorsement of services and products
An ultimate goal for the first three years of the project existence consists in validating services with environmental certifications given by national and international entities which can assert the excellency of our environmental management, integrated and aligned with our enterprise strategy.
In the same way, we will support products with current quality norms. All of this will be done in order to guarantee partners’ and investors’ security and peace of mind which may help better bonds of trust in a more competitive international market each day.